So It’s A New Year

2022 was a long one and wild one for us. Our Devour Presents nights have been more and more successful, Crisis Actor’s False Flag succeeded in getting widespread critical acclaim and some decent airplay, as well as in more than a few shops and fan’s hands. We couldn’t have been happier with the reception all our efforts have been met with.

Now it’s 2023 and on to more great things. We may start scouting new bands this year, so stay tuned to see if and when that happens. With any luck, it will be this year. Crisis Actor is set to go on tour this Spring and has already released a live record entitled Gets Caught! Live! at the Redwood Bar, please give it a listen! We already have been off to great start with the Devour Presents nights. Our next ones will be March 25th for my birthday at the Slipper Clutch and April 28th for Crisis Actor’s homecoming party. at Non Plus Ultra.

Thank you for all the support!




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